Ramp up your battery intelligence

The EchoStat effect

Current inspection and testing methods cannot meet the needs of the battery manufacturing industry. There are subtle-but-impactful quality issues that go undetected, as well as value left on the table with slow adoption of machine learning in the factories. Liminal’s solution is EchoStat—a breakthrough inspection platform that combines ultrasound and machine learning, enabling manufacturers to detect cell quality issues early and giving them the insights they need to achieve higher quality faster and at a lower cost.



EchoStat ARRAY’s high-speed ultrasonic inspection delivers real-time data into prismatic and pouch cells, with off-line, at-line, and in-line implementations available. Designed for time-sensitive applications with low cell coverage requirements.

  • Anomaly detection to prevent cell escapes and recalls
  • Post-formation capacity fade predictions to ensure cell quality
  • Electrolyte saturation analysis to optimize soaking time
  • Inspect 100% of cells



EchoStat RASTER is a high-resolution inspection system that can diagnose the anomalies within a given cell either at-line or off-line. RASTER is a flexible application that scans most prismatic or pouch cells in 15 minutes or less, with variable resolution (measurement density) and scan area (region of interest).
  • Identifying the type and scale of a given cell defect
  • Diagnosing separator folds and wrinkles, electrode misalignments, tab weld defects, residual gas, lithium plating, and foreign particles in cells
  • Enabling root cause analysis to address issues and prevent recurrence



EchoStat THETA delivers off-line or at-line ultrasound analysis of cylindrical cells, providing key insights into this cell format’s manufacturing process.

  • Anomaly detection to prevent cell escapes and recalls
  • Electrolyte saturation analysis to optimize soaking time
  • Post-formation capacity fade predictions

Addressing gaps in cell manufacturing QC

Detect electrolyte distribution, separator issues, Li-metal, and other low density materials that are difficult or impossible for CT and X-Ray to detect.

Use less footprint and less energy compared to CT, plus EchoStat requires no radiation protection and no specialized skills to operate or interpret results.

Gain a deeper perspective on cell quality by going beyond the surface level of vision inspection.

Uncover subtle variations which are missed by electrical tests which provide cell-averaged information, and access 2D / spatially resolved data using ultrasound.

Predict the capacity face of every cell and inform strategic sampling for cycling performance tests, rather than relying on random sampling.

Strategic partnerships with industry leaders

With Liminal, you gain a collaborative partner dedicated to solving your problems. Leveraging our robust network of experts in manufacturing, automation, and industrialization, we ensure growth-driving results and sustained support at every stage of your battery production journey.

Want to learn more about how EchoStat delivers rich data sets in real time?

See how EchoStat analytics support the scale up journey across every stage of cell manufacturing.

“After successfully evaluating Liminal’s solutions at Northvolt Ett, our first high-volume manufacturing facility, we have expanded our relationship to become investors in order to accelerate the company’s future innovations.”

Paulo Cerutti

Co-Founder & COO, Northvolt

We’re an expert cell quality assurance partner with the technical and manufacturing expertise to scale your production.