Supporting the scale up journey

EchoStat analytics across cell manufacturing

Cell Uniformity Analytics

Cell uniformity in battery manufacturing is crucial for consistent performance, reliability, and safety. Monitoring cell uniformity is a robust and reliable way to flag outliers, reduce risks, and ensure the dependability of the final product.

Electrolyte Saturation Analysis

Proper electrolyte saturation is critical for a safe and high performing battery cell, directly affecting the battery’s efficiency, capacity, and lifespan. Monitoring saturation quality is a blindspot in cell manufacturing, which is addressed using ultrasound inspection.

Capacity Fade Prediction

Cycling cells is destructive and energy intensive, and it can take months. Instead of randomly sampling a fraction of a percent of cells for cycling and hoping that they are representative of the entire batch, EchoStat’s cell performance prediction provides performance information for every cell in seconds, enabling more strategic cycle testing.

Anomaly Detection

Quality escapes pose a great risk of in-field failures and poor performers in the best case, to costly batch returns and billion-dollar recalls. It is critical to have a robust in-line inspection system that can serve as a “safety net” and flag anomalous cells for deeper classification and RCA, to avoid problematic cells leaving the factory.

Cell and Process Development

From tracking the time until complete electrolyte saturation to material and process parameter selection, EchoStat delivers the rapid and actionable information you need.

Quality Process Design

Optimize QC standards and checks, define quality specs

Cell and Process DOE

Identify optimal soak time, process parameters, and materials

Baseline Cell Characterization

Set clear quality benchmarks for acceptability of cells

Validate Cell Performance

Iterate quickly using real-time feedback on cell performance

Production Ramp Up

Pairing ultrasound scans with machine learning, EchoStat inspects cells, predicts cell performance, and identifies anomalies in real time, reducing production time and scrap costs.

Root Cause Analysis

Identify and remove defects early, tracing them back to their source

Validate Cell Performance

Strategically select cells for CT scans, rather than random sampling

Supplier Qualification

Define and uphold quality standards across suppliers

Process Optimization

Quickly identify, implement, and validate improvements

High-Volume Manufacturing

Uncover production issues and defects without reducing throughput, while still generating enough data to power batch analysis and comparison.

Failure Analysis

In-depth scans of flagged or failed cells, root cause investigation

Batch Quality Checks

Proactively identify batch quality drift and variation

End of Line Inspection

Scan 100% of cells to ensure quality while alleviating the CT bottleneck

Process Monitoring

Identify drift and flag issues as soon as they occur

Factory Expansion

Establish and maintain QC standards even while implementing existing processes in new contexts. Actionable intelligence ensures each line is monitored, to avoid costly dips in quality or potential recalls, while leveraging best practices from high performing lines.

Escape Prevention

Keep quality high and avoid recalls

Multi-Factory QMS

Unite data streams for comparative analysis

Production Consistency

Implement and enforce multi-factory standards

Cross-Factory Learnings

Proactive variance tracking across production lines

Ready to discuss how our technology can empower your production?